DDC is making dental care possible!

The button below brings you to www.pifworld.com. On this site you can easy donate.

Chose how you want to support us.

Donate money

Je can support us by a one-time donation or a structural support.



Via Pay it Forward (PIF)  Support DDC projects or start up a DDC project yourself. Feel free to take a look at the site of PIF. You can already donate from 1 euro.

Donate Materials

You can help us by donating materials or equipment. We are happy to tell you more.


volunteer work

Sign up as a volunteer. We are looking for people who want to work in a team to provide dental care and prevention lessons in primary schools.

Support our clinics

You can donate an amount which we use for maintenance of equipment


Online shopping

Via Doelshop you support us while you make online purchases. When you make an online purchase, part of your purchase goes to DDC. This costs you nothing extra. Many web shops cooperate. All you have to do is go to your chosen website via doelshop.